17 August 2013

Etude House Look At My Nails : Mocha Pearl Syrup SBE104

Hi guys~~ I’m back again with a new review after a looong time^0^ I’m getting lazier these days because of that I didn’t update my blog. These days I’m in love using nail polish~~ at first I felt disturbed using nail polish because whenever I used it my hand getting dry T_T But I’m getting used to use the nail polish. Today review is from Etude house it's from their Look at my Nails nail polish line up I really love the color because it looked so natural and has shimmer so let me introduce it for you

From the top


09 August 2013

August Makeup Haul

Hi guys i just want to share my August Haul, that i got from online shop and from Korea. I got it from Korea because my brother just go there and i asked him to buy some product for me^^

1. The Faceshop Face it  Aqua UV Color Control Cream
2. The Faceshop Face it  Aqua CC starter
3. OST Original Pure Vitamin C20 Serum
4. Peripera #4 Mandarin Juice
5. The Faceshop Chia Seed Sebum Control Moisture Cream

13 July 2013


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Get it Beauty: Blind Test Result of Waterproof Mascara

Hello everyone~~ I’m quite lazy these days because I didn’t post anything for the past few weeks i just finished my final test and i was busy to prepare my bag because i will go back to home this holiday :D , btw did you guys ever heard about Korean beauty show name Get it Beauty? If you guys didn’t ever heard about it let me explain a little bit. Get it Beauty is a Korean TV show in beauty. The main MC of this program is Kim Yoo Jin she is a former member of S.E.S. In this program you will get lot of information about beauty and of course about makeup too. And the main corner in this show is the Blind Test which they will tell their honest opinion about products that they tested. And of course there is online polling and opinion from makeup artist too. The other reason that I love to watch this show because there is makeup tutorial from the famous makeup artist that will teach you how to do makeup^^

This time from their Blind test they try to pick for waterproof mascara. When it comes to summer we need a powerful waterproof mascara because we don’t want our eyes look like a panda *o*. Because in Korea is summer so they did test. First they will choose the best 5 five from the online polling test and the makeup artists after that they will test each of the mascara. This time in order to prove how waterproof the mascara they took the girls into the swimming pool wow~~ isn’t that great with this we will know which one the best waterproof mascara. Then after that they will choose the best waterproof mascara and here are the results

1.     Kiss Me Heroine Long and Curl Mascara
2.     Majolica Majorca Lash King Mascara

3.     Lancome Hypnotics Star Waterproof Ultra Glam Volume Mascara

4.     Maybelline Volume Express the Magnum Mascara waterproof

5.     Etude House Lash Perm Waterproof Mascara